[ TONSTICH ] is an audio/video project based on the creation of a sonorous dress.In [ TONSTICH ] basic sound parameters - Attack Decay Sustain Release are directly related to the dress construction parameters X and Y (length | width).Thecharacteristicsoftheshape,fitandlookofthisimaginarydressaredeterminedbytheaudiocomposition,followingthestrictmanufacturingscheduleofeach production unit, the dress is initially modelled by the industrial production process yet continuously modified by the listener’s individual sonorous experience.The audio material used for the composition of [ TONSTICH ] is the authentic sound recorded in industrial manufacturing facilities ofgarments and textiles. Single noise patterns from the bartack machine mixed with the humming of the 2 needle machine weave in combination with electronic structures a fit sound fabric.Theaudio/videoperformance[TONSTICH]progressesin6movements,eachonerepresentingadevelopmentstageofthisuniquecreationproposedbyAmelie Duchow
TONSTICH audio/video performance has been presented at:FASHION CONTINUUM | Nottingham Contemporary |Nottingham | UKTKESHI Festival | Tblisi | GeorgiaINTERNATIONAL FEEL | Museo Marino Marini | Firenze | ItalyPRECTXE Festival | B39 | Seoul | KoreaLIVE CINEMA FESTIVAL | Acquario Romano | Roma | ItalyFONOMO Festival 12 | Miejskie Centrum Kultury | Bydgoszcz PolandIFFTI | Palazzo Strozzi | Firenze | ItaliaDRESS CODEX| Museo del Novecento | Milano | ItalyLAB 30 | Kulturhaus Abraxas | Augsburg | GermanySPLICE FESTIVAL | Richmix | London | UK
TONSTICH screening | exhibitionELECTRONIC | The Design Museum | London | UKTONSTICH workshopPOLIMODA | Firenze | Italy
[TONSTICH]isanaudio/videoprojectbasedonthe creation of a sonorous dress.In[TONSTICH]basicsoundparameters-AttackDecay SustainReleasearedirectlyrelatedtothedress construction parameters X and Y (length | width).Thecharacteristicsoftheshape,fitandlookofthis imaginarydressaredeterminedbytheaudiocomposition, followingthestrictmanufacturingscheduleofeach productionunit,thedressisinitiallymodelledbythe industrialproductionprocessyetcontinuouslymodifiedby the listener’s individual sonorous experience.Theaudiomaterialusedforthecompositionof[ TONSTICH]istheauthenticsoundrecordedinindustrial manufacturing facilities ofgarments and textiles. Singlenoisepatternsfromthebartackmachinemixedwith thehummingofthe2needlemachineweavein combination with electronic structures a fit sound fabric.Theaudio/videoperformance[TONSTICH]progressesin 6movements,eachonerepresentingadevelopmentstage of this unique creation proposed by Amelie Duchow
TONSTICH audio/video performance has been presented at:FASHION CONTINUUM | Nottingham Contemporary |Nottingham | UKTKESHI Festival | Tblisi | GeorgiaINTERNATIONAL FEEL | Museo Marino Marini | Firenze | ItalyPRECTXE Festival | B39 | Seoul | KoreaLIVE CINEMA FESTIVAL | Acquario Romano | Roma | ItalyFONOMO Festival 12 | Miejskie Centrum Kultury | Bydgoszcz PolandIFFTI | Palazzo Strozzi | Firenze | ItaliaDRESS CODEX| Museo del Novecento | Milano | ItalyLAB 30 | Kulturhaus Abraxas | Augsburg | GermanySPLICE FESTIVAL | Richmix | London | UK
TONSTICH screening | exhibitionELECTRONIC | The Design Museum | London | UKTONSTICH workshopPOLIMODA | Firenze | Italy